Friday, December 24, 2010

I am not afraid anymore

I am not afraid anymore
to say 'I love you'
to let the words flow and shine
to be told that I AM LOVE

I am not afraid anymore
to hear 'I love you'
and to be tenderly flowing with the wave of it
and to smile back to you

I have understood 'this is oneness'
that it has required to allow to be fragile
thinking I had to dare to take the step
of maybe taking the hit of being loved

I have understood that I was afraid
to be gently and showing my fragility
and openness, and to be that in this world
that I thought was hard and that I needed protection

I have chosen not to be afraid anymore
to express my care and love to you
as now, the flow of you to me is the same
and the allowance is the gift of life

I have chosen not to be afraid anymore
to be LOVE in all the passionate ways I can conceive
and to allow oneness between you and me
without boundaries

I thank you for this, dear other part of me
You are my greatest gift of LIFE
You are my blessed lesson of life
The grace of your divinity has touched me for ever

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just do it

Easy dynamics, there is a desire 'what do I want to do today ?'
The initial motion 'I want'

Then, with simple watching and feeling,
conceptualizing and feeling the outcome
'why am I doing this ?' ... 'I want this'

So then, comes the flowing together of the energies
bringing it all in one point of focus and attention

Mixed with that, the joy of having it done,
the timing in between the 'will' and the 'outcome'
That is joyful !

There is a smile on the face ?
Then it is good, and set to go ....

Just do it, and have it done,
and enjoying the doing,
and creating the circumstances
and having it done
just having it done
and creating the circumstances
and having it done.

Simply done !


Monday, December 6, 2010

Comments on the Indigo Society

[Note : Indigo Society is a social network for Indigos ( I joined that group to observe the energy of the network and to connect if I felt it is harmonious, or interesting. This is a post that I sent to an Indigo, I thought it was worthwhile posting it here too... for indigos from an indigo, flowing from my heart to yours.]
The way I go about writing is that I carefully choose what I keep busy with. You might have noticed my first trial yesterday in getting into responding to people that post threads. I usually do not mix with those.
Now, I found on the IS that the energy of most people is scattered, fearful, defending their position in a wild sometimes aggressive way... so the indigo energy of this site needs balancing, harmony. I do not mean any boundary, but a healthy, respectful interaction instead of shooting arrows at each other, cheaply... Natural wisdom that does not scream and shout, but gently respects the other, leaves a space for the other, with humor and valor.
A certain energetic upgrade is necessary on IS to become something that supports each other, in openness and truth. So, today, I will just observe again but not really interact, until I sense another indigo coming online that will use discernement, respect, love and balance. Then I will know to connect.
We all need to unite as one voice, the voice of what really matters, we ARE expression, creation and we all ARE love, the very essence of our selves. The mind controlling frequencies of lower nature (fear, anger, worry, sadness) are all floating in the air, the internet, everywhere. Old souls will have to learn to sense what is FOR life and what is AGAINST life. Self-destruction is not an option, yet many indigos face that through their unbalanced screams, but end nowhere, and no-one 'loves' them (they think).
My best friends are the ones that take a few seconds before answering, the ones that first check within themselves what is really happening. The heart will never lie to you, the mind does it all the time. It is about CHOICE. Do you want to become yourself or not, you see.
This earth is in chaos, the old mixes with the new. Indigos have guts, have valor and have love, but unless they seek out true balance, correct attitude, it is all useless. Indigos are also carriers of certain frequencies that break the old, and they break. But love should be the drive to all actions, not thoughts. Thoughts can and are controlled, it is not WHO we are. Thoughts are never genuinely from a human, it is energy-matrix made for control. So, therefore, we need to resort to the only true 'item' we have : the heart.
Unless I sense people with a heart, I choose not to connect to the minds of others. Tried it yesterday on IS, and in the evening, I was ill. My body speaks for me. It is normal in these times to feel disarray : all the minds of the people are getting chattered, the system is breaking down. The mind cannot keep remembering, it fails. Time and space is becoming unstable, we will have to live in the NOW, otherwise we are helpless, and food for the sharks that want to eat us.
Balance, here/now, love and stability is a prerequisite to receive the higher impulses from your own universe within, we already know everything. This life is meant to be one that allows remembering, we do not need teachers, it is all there. But the right frequency needs to be maintained, daring to stand your ground and only remember that we ARE already one family. Stop the fighting and get to the REAL work.
The mind is NOT the support to build your life on, it cannot, it is only a translator of energy into matter. Synchronicity and creation, allowance of things to come to us, nothing more needed. We can make things appear, without having to work for it, instantly. That is what the true awakened human does. Connecting, touching, and looking at nature will reveal the deepest secrets of LIFE on earth, not the think tankers, and knowledge based minds... it just appears so....
As we are all connected, we do feel the emotions of others, but we can choose not to react to them, again : wisdom and discernment. We are balance and love, all the time, divine, all the time.
Thanks for allowing me to write this down, it is not meant for you, it is meant for the grander scheme of things, for myself, I write from the heart you see, it is just some wisdom that comes from there... My mind does not know, never knows... Writing is one of the natural outputs for me....
With respect to the great being that you are, and all the others, masters in disguise, nothing less, nothing less.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sense of respect

Respect starts with respecting yourself as a being with rights. It is about getting to the point where one understands what respect of self truly is, what the silence of self truly is. It is much less something that can be discussed, it needs to be lived, and often without having to talk about it.
The sense of respect steers many decisions, about allowing others in one's perimeter or not, or when declining an invitation. Life is made of choices, and being the most for yourself is to respect first yourself. Others should not be put in the equation, as this is about one's unique perception of what can be or not.

The center point of respect starts and ends with oneself. Sharing time with others is a choice, sharing wisdom with others as well. You define where you allow yourself to be, and that is one of the pillars of sovereign wisdom. You might receive invitations you will not accept, and that is sovereign choice.
You might change your mind and heart about things, and that is your choice. You might make new contracts and end others, and that is your choice. Self-respect is self-love, it shapes your life where you want it to go.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Neutralizing low frequencies

Sometimes it is necessary to get rid of a part of yourself to breathe again, and to find harmony. It is when I momentarily separate myself from fear (expressed in another person), that I then can re-integrate that part as a neutral energy that comes home... Yes, so-called separation is part of the neutralizing power of forgiveness.
It is not really about people for me, it is about the frequency that you are connected to [that is my own way of perceiving].
Now, a fear person, depressed person, is a carrier of something you like to get transformed within yourself.... The only way I have experienced that this transformation can come about, is by separating yourself from it, breathing and then allowing the powerful forgivenss and other high frequential love vibes to neutralize.
The heart transforms it all, it must however be allowed to feel what is going on, and that is the scary part, but still... if allowed it transforms amazing amounts of lower frequency. Like a reverse wave therapy, you know.
The synchronistic events show themselves to push you in the direction, you are most afraid to willingly walk into... But you must go finally.It might not be always the best solution [although it is usually], and if error, I have to choose again.
Sovereignty is a road that demands some seemingly 'courageous' disconnections....It gives space to connect with 'new frequencies' that are more likely to connect with your own vibe. The heart knows.