Saturday, October 2, 2010

What is an indigo - interactive post

Just sharing with you some of my own perceptions of what an indigo is. This is of course to be updated with your own experience, if you like to share that. Just for fun and for ease of understanding... for the sake of expandin ourselves with joy and ease, love and grace.
Indigo children and adults are very loving and soft people. They have an expressive flow for love and life which is usually too charged for non-indigo people.
At first they do not understand why others are so nasty with each other, and then, out of defense, they usually reply back in ways that are considered inappropriate, aggressive, loud or emotional.
The first years of an indigo are usually all right. They tend to play on their own, or silently, just witnessing the outside, they are lovely and kind little children.
Problems start when they are forced to interact with other children, and they feel alienated from their own inner source when they are repeatedly taken away from their inner activities.
They love to day dream and have great fantasy. They build worlds within worlds, and are very happy when they can do that whenever they want.
Young indigo teenagers experience much discordance in their world, parents, school, authority and their highly energized minds are usually ahead of understanding why and how things happen. Usually they find the other non-indigos not able to keep up with their speed of thought.
This usually worsens when they grow up, and most of the indigos feel alone, and choose then to compromise themselves, by slowing down their own natural flow and trying to harmonize with others. This compromising makes them feel unhappy in the way that they ‘know’ they are not truthful to themselves.
They have a high inner ethic, understand respect and honor, and are – when balanced and harmonized – very capable of handling most difficult situations, where most people will fail, they will stand.

Indigo children and adults of all ages will calm down their inner rage with following attitudes :

  • Unconditional love, and forgiveness for their experiments
  • Softness towards them, whatever they say or express
  • Honesty of communication
  • Humor and genuine emotional and mental balance
  • A safe and sacred space that allows them to be truly themselves, whatever they express
  • True friendship and compassion
  • A high moral of respect and honor, and the understanding that they bring great wisdom


  1. I see your still the writer you were back in the dayz and most likely even better. The grammar and punctuation is impeccable. Also, I'm hooked from the first sentence to the last. There is a certain vibration to your words that I like too. I can tell you've been taking steps to improve your writing. Love it: )

    Great job!

    What is funny is that lately there have been no writings that have captured my interest for a while. Your articles/blogs(whatever you call it, lol) was so refreshing that I smiled.


    1. ah a belated answer, I admit ... thank you David ... you, as observer of energy, are cocreative in seeing the beauty of what is expressed here (y) --- Komaya

  2. I know an indigo teenager. She is very intelligent and she has a very good memory. She also has “indigo abilities”!!! Indigos may have problems with their emotions, because they can experience a wide spectrum of emotions and negative emotions can become extreme and lead to extreme situations. They need to neutralize their emotions! We all need to do that!!!

    1. thank you heartvirtue ... of course neutralizing needs to be refined a bit : it means allowing the energy of emotions to work WITH the emotive person, and aligning it to some creative output .... see, once emotions are brought forward, you cannot truly take them back ... it is energy in movement too .... once they are there it is good to use them for something ... anger is only fire energy expressed explosively because it has been contained for much too long ....

      Some expressive outlets are :
      - learn to talk out, before any suppression happens
      - learn to talk with tact and content, not with emotional anger or disharmonic feelings
      - flow the excess energy out with appropriate physical action
      - learn to sing, to make sounds
      - learn to write, to paint, to make music
      - learn to let go of energy, excess energy ... do Taichi Chuan or Qi Gong to flow the energy out in the earth and to regain balanced posture
      - be yourself at all times, day and night, in the sense of expressing honestly the feelings, and being authentic
      - learn the human body design on energy level, so as to handle energies to keep it healthy
      - choose the people wisely around you, so that more love-relationships can be brought towards yourself, than anger-relationships ...

      It is all so simple and logic, it only needs this simple applications of inner wisdom.
      Last but not least : humor !! in situations that are stuck ... a great force to use (y).

