Saturday, October 2, 2010

Interconnectedness of our hearts

We are already interconnected with our hearts, we are already beating within eachothers rythm. That is already happening. Accepting this fact knowing that it will change your perception of 'the others' will change the dynamic of the life's choices. Anyway, that is what I experience.
I say 'I am that I am, just me, nothing more, nothing less, but it is quite something... for me'... I love that phrase.
However I now understand that when I acknowledge my heart to be beating in yours, I understand how my love for me, has an effect on your love for you, or even my love for you and your love for me.

As I love, you love, because we share the heart beat, whomever you are... that is the nature of our heart on earth...maybe that is the reason why those words are so similar : heart and earth....

With beating love,
from my chest to yours,
everlastingly and in deep appreciation !


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