Saturday, October 2, 2010

Becoming an embodied quantum energy

In the search of your inner sovereign self lies a way of liberation. It is in knowing your true essence that your personality can get aligned with that inner essence, and as such can work as a team to get direct inspiration, motivation, and joy into activating your own initiatives. Such a bliss to stop fighting oneself and start the coherent unison song of creation.
As a direct result, by the law of attraction, the unified being that you become, will find others that resonate in the same frequency. It is interesting to find the people you are attracted to for tender and genuine sharing, create coherence, joyful activities, and communicate in the same vibration. What a liberation of loneliness to step this road and find your friends, brothers and sisters.
As you have unified the polarities within you that creates a beingness that demands nothing from any other, you will be able to forge true and lasting friendships that are equally supporting, free, and undemanding. This is the outcome of all the work you have done to understand yourself and to allow the quantum to unite with you again, working as a great team of amazing ONENESS for the sake of expanded experiences of joy, resonance, friendship, freedom, and so much more.
You have become an expansive person, an embodied quantum energy within the human instrument.

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