Friday, December 3, 2010

Sense of respect

Respect starts with respecting yourself as a being with rights. It is about getting to the point where one understands what respect of self truly is, what the silence of self truly is. It is much less something that can be discussed, it needs to be lived, and often without having to talk about it.
The sense of respect steers many decisions, about allowing others in one's perimeter or not, or when declining an invitation. Life is made of choices, and being the most for yourself is to respect first yourself. Others should not be put in the equation, as this is about one's unique perception of what can be or not.

The center point of respect starts and ends with oneself. Sharing time with others is a choice, sharing wisdom with others as well. You define where you allow yourself to be, and that is one of the pillars of sovereign wisdom. You might receive invitations you will not accept, and that is sovereign choice.
You might change your mind and heart about things, and that is your choice. You might make new contracts and end others, and that is your choice. Self-respect is self-love, it shapes your life where you want it to go.

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