Saturday, September 25, 2010

YOUR Life is YOUR dream

What we experience as LIFE is what we choose to experience. It is very simple. Say you wish to experience what it is to be an angel on earth, then that desire will transpire in every breath that you take and will generate the settings of that wish. You will create the appearance of anything that serves that wish and will even create 'others' to support you or trigger you.
The wish is not coming from your personality, that is a secondary wavelength. The Pilot Wave Frequency comes from what we call Higher Self. It is the wish of Higher Self to explore and experience, and thus to steer its bio-energetic projection into feeling, seeing, smelling, touching etc that experience. If it 'wills' you to experience fear, it will generate all the circumstances for that fear.
If your higher self 'wills' you to experience a military setting, it will generate a bio-energetic projection that thinks it loves the military, and explores that world of frequency.
Although awakening from this 'dream' is yet another step. The higher self might choose to have an amazing awakening experience, by putting out the setting of the right people, the right 'stage' for an awakening to occur. It then desires to push forward the manifested reality into a new level, where the bio-energetic imprint is experiencing the illusion of being a magician in the world of matter, someone who 'knows' more than others and can more easily reshape the clouds in the sky.
In this 'time', it seems there are crosslines of realities, where the bio-energetic imprint has the sense of choice, that will heavily influence the reality it lives in. It knows then that 'how it thinks' will shape the setting of its experience. All thoughts that seep through the bio-energetic imprint are the foundation of the reality-dream.
The bio-energetic imprint becomes the beacon of the soul, that steers its creation into its desired outcome. It will work with the bio-energetic imprint as one, and shine through its holographic skin to show its essence. The belief systems that you hold are the shapers of your reality, without it you do not appear in this dream-reality. Change your belief on things, make it easy or make it difficult, make it exciting or boring, make it stuck or make it flowing, it is all up to you.
What you dream is you, and when you want to change it, it will, based on your WILL, your desire. When you know yourself, you have a better understanding 'why' you are in this particular life, with these particular 'people' and the particular settings.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

THAT Frequency of Love

This blog is dedicated to YOU. It is in honor and respect for your outpoor, for your connection to the frequency of LOVE that you are. Can you feel your own inner smile when just reading these words ?
That frequency of love, the one to tune into, to make music with, to forge words with.
That frequency of love, the one that transcends all pains and worries, and heals whatever condition.
THAT frequency that is your home. Can you feel the truth of these words, as you switch your inner radio to THAT, what you know is total bliss.
THAT frequency is the one that stimulates, that regulates, that emanates EVERYTHING that you are : the outpoor of pure gold, the outpoor of wisdom, the outpoor of creation and inspiration. Tuning your inner radio to THAT frequency, and you are home.
Oh, did I mention that you are also total, alive, precious, tender, strong, balanced, harmonized and absolutely loved.
To all senders/emitters, tune into THAT frequency and lets talk with the radio called heart... Let's talk 'heart'.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Why am I here - philosophical expressions

Pretty question, he ? I love it very much, second best behind the everlasting grand question 'who am I'.
I guess it is about finding a reason for existence, here and now. So what is that reason ? One simple answer : to express myself...
In order for me to express myself, my color, I need to have an audience, and that is where YOU come into play. Say, I want to fight someone, so I invent others to fight with. Say, I want to paint for someone, so I invent others to admire me, or to trigger me. And if the 'normal' world of people does not suffice, I create ghost, invisible entities to trigger me, to play with me, to scare me, or to illusionary guide me, as if I do not know myself. What grand creations...
However, as soon as that all is understood, experienced and expressed, then I change the scenery. I choose for instance to be 'on my own', so discreate the others, they leave me, or I go away, and find some place that has less interaction. But in truth, does anyone really want to be totally alone ? Not me, I can't, it is just .... not 'pleasurable'. I want life here to be 'pleasurable', whatever that might be, it all depends on how you are wired, what your likes and dislikes are, and how is that chosen ? I guess is a cosmic imprint of choice from something that oversees you : soul, sovereign integral, higher self, the mind itself maybe.
So, we continue the game... and continue the game... and continue the game... Until it is all played, replayed, crosschecked, doublechecked, etc... until you come to the end of your dreams, where all reasons stop.
So, where next, out of this dream, maybe plunging into another... until nothing.
There is this one 'unmagnetic' spot, unique in its kind : stillness. After the movement and explorations of life there is nothing left but.... stillness. I like that stillness, empty. What happens when one moves into that spot. Life is over, death, another world ? Exciting, dangerous, wanted and not wanted. It is there, always... I am contemplating it... because it is taking away the answers and questions, also the one 'why am I here'.
And what about that great concept 'love' in all this ?

Quantum Communication

I have been reading some text on the website. I love the energy from that work, and was triggered into stating some of it in my own words here. In appreciation for Teka !

I am that I am, the point of utter stillness, where you are as close as you can get to 'source', is all IN you, all of it, also the worlds that you create here on earth are projected from there.

I would like to focus on that inner world. We are all there, in that inner world, and we can communicate. Quantum communication. It works with ordinary attention, like a spotlight of awareness, and it shines its light to illuminate the “things” that you wish to experience.

The inward-oriented attention that navigates the subtle fields of a person’s hologram of thoughts, memories, imagination and feelings, is steered by the intuitional guidance system that emanates from the core of your being. So, you do not have to know 'how' you can quantum communicate, you just focus yourself inwardly and 'find'.

The common, everyday, internal imagery, the feelings, memories and dreams that you see and interact with inside yourself, are packets of total communication. The ego may say that the thoughts and feelings that you see inside yourself are your exclusive property, but they are not. The thoughts immediately link into other thoughts from those who hold a similar frequency and mind-style.

Now it is all about starting to tune in, and find your resonant family !


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Heart Yours

It's my heart , it's yours
where you go, it always goes
It may be called stealing , but in peace
It follows you wherever with ease
(by CP)

Pure feelings

I miss you more than words can say,
I think of you each single day,
I love you like my sister and friend,
I'll always love you till the end,
The more I think, the more I weep,
at least I have memories to keep,
I know we'll meet again soon enough,
but I can't wait cos this is tough,
every time I see a pretty flower,
I think of you then my eyes shower,
every time I take out my photo pile,
I look at you and me and I smile,
all the memories I hold in my heart,
no need to miss you,
we're not apart.
By Amanda Linzi

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where you are is YOU

Truly, maybe we pay not enough attention, however, where we are that is what we are ...

We like it differently, than we change what we are, on the inside and we will be in another setting that is more attuned with what we are, what we like.

If a building opposite the street is being repaired, a part of you is being repaired.... If you have many flowers around you, you are emanating beauty. In other words : you are your surrounding, everything of it.

Flowing naturally where you belong, where you are attracted. When you are with someone, it will be a mixture of the both of you. When you are forced to be somewhere you do not like it, you will feel this and be 'out of synch', it is then time to move back to where you resonate in harmony.

However it starts with you. Your inner state matters, the outer is a result, is the past.

But remember, you are that you are, your human part, and the grand invisible part that remains a mystery in this world, but has the decisive hands on the wheel of your life. Allow it to nurture and inspire you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

When climbing into the lotusflower
A whisper floats to me and says
'They are just stories,
leave them behind'
I feel the flower is my home
as the flower eases itself
into my own heartspace
where there is peace and warmth.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to change atrributes of a substance

This blog appears after a question that came to me. I thought it is worthwhile to share with the Indigo community here.

Q - How to do you change the attributes of 'harmful' substance ? (e.g. oil spill - see image)

I will try to explain the dynamics of how I change attributes of a given substance. It is by the way, a delight for me, to be able to provide you my insight. Thank you for that already.
When I encounter some 'bad news' or see 'bad news', I can choose to ignore it (so that it does not get more energized by my attention), or look at it in a detached way, so that I do not 'lock' that reality in becoming the 'only' truth. So, I do not attach (same as 'believe') myself, but remain the observer.
There is another point that I always remember : Everything is changeable, because the matter is a result of thought, so changing a thought is changing the substance. I am sure you can feel this.Then I command from the inside that the substance changes into another substance that is harmless. Like changing the spill into a harmless lovely soapy substance, and loving that soap for what it is.
It is the power of compassion and forgiveness around the whole spill that changes the attributes (and the whole connected community) of it. As you know, once you feel loved, you let go of defences. That is the same for substance, which is nothing more than a creative result of human's thought. It wants to be loved too.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What is the cosmic attribute of an indigo - hyperfocus

I have encountered the term indigo [in the context of designating of a category of people] only 3 years ago, when someone told me that I was an 'indigo'. I did not understand what was said, it was just another terminology of some psychological attributes I thougth.
And indeed, when searching for some information on the 'indigo person', the websites were overloaded with psychological pointers, which I - at first - even did not recognize for myself. I played with 'pretending to be an indigo' for a while and then just let it drift away. I forgot about it. I was and still am 'just' who I am.
But then, 2 weeks ago something happened during a talk with my best friend. She highlighted in a conversation that I was too 'quick', too 'charged' for her to understand the flashy things that I understood in a second. It there and then became clear to me that I have a totally different way of 'communicating' than most of the people. I used to think that others were not very 'willing' to cooperate in a conversation. However, she and I found together that it was about a different type of handling information, also influencing how one thinks, walks, and lives. It has a direct impact on the kind of people one meets as well, it is far stretching.
An indigo has a way of communicating that seems to go much faster, almost instant. Indigo people have an immediate understanding of other people's thoughts, of their masks, what the others really are about. They have an immediate intuition that tells them what is really happening, and know very well how to deal with urgent situations. They are 'electrified', charged and have this capacity of immediate deep action and understanding. They have an innate capacity to by hyperfocused and will go to the goal with an immediate lightning force.
This ability to focus is highly energized with them. When understanding this, they will choose wisely to be diligent in what they focus on, so that they do not injure others or themselves. An indigo needs to nurture wisdom to handle the hyperfocus.
I thank my friend, because she made me aware that I need to be understanding when talking with others, to first sense if the other is an indigo or not, or how that person communicates. Then I can adapt myself so that my interactor gets the space to express him or herself. It takes just a bit of understanding, and a kind attitude. Thank you, dear Joanna.