Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where you are is YOU

Truly, maybe we pay not enough attention, however, where we are that is what we are ...

We like it differently, than we change what we are, on the inside and we will be in another setting that is more attuned with what we are, what we like.

If a building opposite the street is being repaired, a part of you is being repaired.... If you have many flowers around you, you are emanating beauty. In other words : you are your surrounding, everything of it.

Flowing naturally where you belong, where you are attracted. When you are with someone, it will be a mixture of the both of you. When you are forced to be somewhere you do not like it, you will feel this and be 'out of synch', it is then time to move back to where you resonate in harmony.

However it starts with you. Your inner state matters, the outer is a result, is the past.

But remember, you are that you are, your human part, and the grand invisible part that remains a mystery in this world, but has the decisive hands on the wheel of your life. Allow it to nurture and inspire you.

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