Friday, September 17, 2010

Quantum Communication

I have been reading some text on the website. I love the energy from that work, and was triggered into stating some of it in my own words here. In appreciation for Teka !

I am that I am, the point of utter stillness, where you are as close as you can get to 'source', is all IN you, all of it, also the worlds that you create here on earth are projected from there.

I would like to focus on that inner world. We are all there, in that inner world, and we can communicate. Quantum communication. It works with ordinary attention, like a spotlight of awareness, and it shines its light to illuminate the “things” that you wish to experience.

The inward-oriented attention that navigates the subtle fields of a person’s hologram of thoughts, memories, imagination and feelings, is steered by the intuitional guidance system that emanates from the core of your being. So, you do not have to know 'how' you can quantum communicate, you just focus yourself inwardly and 'find'.

The common, everyday, internal imagery, the feelings, memories and dreams that you see and interact with inside yourself, are packets of total communication. The ego may say that the thoughts and feelings that you see inside yourself are your exclusive property, but they are not. The thoughts immediately link into other thoughts from those who hold a similar frequency and mind-style.

Now it is all about starting to tune in, and find your resonant family !


1 comment:

  1. Indeed ... this raises the idea of who we really are. We are not just solid, limited, physical beings. We are an incredible body of fluid consciousness ... a living complex of ultra-sensitive subtle energies ... and a presence that cannot be accurately defined with words. The presence that we are seems to exist in a realm of eternal timelessness. I say that our center-most essence and truest identity is the living, atmospheric presence that is perceiving and contemplating this message.

    You are, My Friend, an Immortal Spiritual Being. You are temporarily using a physical body so that you can see, feel, contemplate, experience and assist in the transformation of what we call the "physical world." One day your body will no longer be ... but you will. You -- as an immortal presence -- will be awake and engaged in this world and others. You live on, my friend ... on, and on, and on ...
