Friday, December 24, 2010

I am not afraid anymore

I am not afraid anymore
to say 'I love you'
to let the words flow and shine
to be told that I AM LOVE

I am not afraid anymore
to hear 'I love you'
and to be tenderly flowing with the wave of it
and to smile back to you

I have understood 'this is oneness'
that it has required to allow to be fragile
thinking I had to dare to take the step
of maybe taking the hit of being loved

I have understood that I was afraid
to be gently and showing my fragility
and openness, and to be that in this world
that I thought was hard and that I needed protection

I have chosen not to be afraid anymore
to express my care and love to you
as now, the flow of you to me is the same
and the allowance is the gift of life

I have chosen not to be afraid anymore
to be LOVE in all the passionate ways I can conceive
and to allow oneness between you and me
without boundaries

I thank you for this, dear other part of me
You are my greatest gift of LIFE
You are my blessed lesson of life
The grace of your divinity has touched me for ever

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just do it

Easy dynamics, there is a desire 'what do I want to do today ?'
The initial motion 'I want'

Then, with simple watching and feeling,
conceptualizing and feeling the outcome
'why am I doing this ?' ... 'I want this'

So then, comes the flowing together of the energies
bringing it all in one point of focus and attention

Mixed with that, the joy of having it done,
the timing in between the 'will' and the 'outcome'
That is joyful !

There is a smile on the face ?
Then it is good, and set to go ....

Just do it, and have it done,
and enjoying the doing,
and creating the circumstances
and having it done
just having it done
and creating the circumstances
and having it done.

Simply done !


Monday, December 6, 2010

Comments on the Indigo Society

[Note : Indigo Society is a social network for Indigos ( I joined that group to observe the energy of the network and to connect if I felt it is harmonious, or interesting. This is a post that I sent to an Indigo, I thought it was worthwhile posting it here too... for indigos from an indigo, flowing from my heart to yours.]
The way I go about writing is that I carefully choose what I keep busy with. You might have noticed my first trial yesterday in getting into responding to people that post threads. I usually do not mix with those.
Now, I found on the IS that the energy of most people is scattered, fearful, defending their position in a wild sometimes aggressive way... so the indigo energy of this site needs balancing, harmony. I do not mean any boundary, but a healthy, respectful interaction instead of shooting arrows at each other, cheaply... Natural wisdom that does not scream and shout, but gently respects the other, leaves a space for the other, with humor and valor.
A certain energetic upgrade is necessary on IS to become something that supports each other, in openness and truth. So, today, I will just observe again but not really interact, until I sense another indigo coming online that will use discernement, respect, love and balance. Then I will know to connect.
We all need to unite as one voice, the voice of what really matters, we ARE expression, creation and we all ARE love, the very essence of our selves. The mind controlling frequencies of lower nature (fear, anger, worry, sadness) are all floating in the air, the internet, everywhere. Old souls will have to learn to sense what is FOR life and what is AGAINST life. Self-destruction is not an option, yet many indigos face that through their unbalanced screams, but end nowhere, and no-one 'loves' them (they think).
My best friends are the ones that take a few seconds before answering, the ones that first check within themselves what is really happening. The heart will never lie to you, the mind does it all the time. It is about CHOICE. Do you want to become yourself or not, you see.
This earth is in chaos, the old mixes with the new. Indigos have guts, have valor and have love, but unless they seek out true balance, correct attitude, it is all useless. Indigos are also carriers of certain frequencies that break the old, and they break. But love should be the drive to all actions, not thoughts. Thoughts can and are controlled, it is not WHO we are. Thoughts are never genuinely from a human, it is energy-matrix made for control. So, therefore, we need to resort to the only true 'item' we have : the heart.
Unless I sense people with a heart, I choose not to connect to the minds of others. Tried it yesterday on IS, and in the evening, I was ill. My body speaks for me. It is normal in these times to feel disarray : all the minds of the people are getting chattered, the system is breaking down. The mind cannot keep remembering, it fails. Time and space is becoming unstable, we will have to live in the NOW, otherwise we are helpless, and food for the sharks that want to eat us.
Balance, here/now, love and stability is a prerequisite to receive the higher impulses from your own universe within, we already know everything. This life is meant to be one that allows remembering, we do not need teachers, it is all there. But the right frequency needs to be maintained, daring to stand your ground and only remember that we ARE already one family. Stop the fighting and get to the REAL work.
The mind is NOT the support to build your life on, it cannot, it is only a translator of energy into matter. Synchronicity and creation, allowance of things to come to us, nothing more needed. We can make things appear, without having to work for it, instantly. That is what the true awakened human does. Connecting, touching, and looking at nature will reveal the deepest secrets of LIFE on earth, not the think tankers, and knowledge based minds... it just appears so....
As we are all connected, we do feel the emotions of others, but we can choose not to react to them, again : wisdom and discernment. We are balance and love, all the time, divine, all the time.
Thanks for allowing me to write this down, it is not meant for you, it is meant for the grander scheme of things, for myself, I write from the heart you see, it is just some wisdom that comes from there... My mind does not know, never knows... Writing is one of the natural outputs for me....
With respect to the great being that you are, and all the others, masters in disguise, nothing less, nothing less.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sense of respect

Respect starts with respecting yourself as a being with rights. It is about getting to the point where one understands what respect of self truly is, what the silence of self truly is. It is much less something that can be discussed, it needs to be lived, and often without having to talk about it.
The sense of respect steers many decisions, about allowing others in one's perimeter or not, or when declining an invitation. Life is made of choices, and being the most for yourself is to respect first yourself. Others should not be put in the equation, as this is about one's unique perception of what can be or not.

The center point of respect starts and ends with oneself. Sharing time with others is a choice, sharing wisdom with others as well. You define where you allow yourself to be, and that is one of the pillars of sovereign wisdom. You might receive invitations you will not accept, and that is sovereign choice.
You might change your mind and heart about things, and that is your choice. You might make new contracts and end others, and that is your choice. Self-respect is self-love, it shapes your life where you want it to go.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Neutralizing low frequencies

Sometimes it is necessary to get rid of a part of yourself to breathe again, and to find harmony. It is when I momentarily separate myself from fear (expressed in another person), that I then can re-integrate that part as a neutral energy that comes home... Yes, so-called separation is part of the neutralizing power of forgiveness.
It is not really about people for me, it is about the frequency that you are connected to [that is my own way of perceiving].
Now, a fear person, depressed person, is a carrier of something you like to get transformed within yourself.... The only way I have experienced that this transformation can come about, is by separating yourself from it, breathing and then allowing the powerful forgivenss and other high frequential love vibes to neutralize.
The heart transforms it all, it must however be allowed to feel what is going on, and that is the scary part, but still... if allowed it transforms amazing amounts of lower frequency. Like a reverse wave therapy, you know.
The synchronistic events show themselves to push you in the direction, you are most afraid to willingly walk into... But you must go finally.It might not be always the best solution [although it is usually], and if error, I have to choose again.
Sovereignty is a road that demands some seemingly 'courageous' disconnections....It gives space to connect with 'new frequencies' that are more likely to connect with your own vibe. The heart knows.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sense of Purpose

Letter to a friend (slightly adapted from the original version) -

Dear friend, I am doing very well. I am focussing on being here/now, still evolving in understanding the human design and therefore being of the most efficient use to others when I first understand myself. It does make a difference, it helps. Still highly connected to the 6 heart virtues of appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor. I use them every time I encounter an incident, or watch something happen in my life.
The sense of purpose is especially lying in the fact that I consider myself the center of my own universe. What I emit has an impact on the rest of my own universe, so I make it a continuous routine to think, feel and live as 'purely' as possible, with respect to myself first and the others, that I create in my universe. With the sense of gentleness and harmony, and stable attitude. Not allowing emotional infringement or mental smallness. Currently that is what I want to emit, and it rewards itself greatly. I have been helped by the presence of unconditional friends, it allowed me to align myself in my one cosmic center of stability.
I am now getting into a new phase, where creation needs to happen from our centers, not relying on the structures of society or models of matrix.
I love to exchange much wisdom with my friends and as we are silently working behind the scenes, until the sovereign integral (= the unique soul center) redirects me to something else. The purpose will then be clear. I continue to watch myself closely, discovering the hidden fears, the overwhelming power of unconditional love and with that, the mastery of self that embraces joy as well.
I have much laughter and fun, as me and my friends discover the traps of the mind, and we laugh the lower thoughts away.... We are well cared for by our own design, and we love life again.
I am very faintly connected to any other person that walks a spiritual path, unless those persons come to me by own free will. It is - by the way - lovely to receive an update from your side. As said, we are closely related on a certain level, and if you need, you can always contact me. The same as I did, when I wanted to contact you... I never hesitated. The road we chose is indeed a very peculiar one, and it is lovely to know that we are not alone in this, and that there is at least one person on the planet that thinks, feels and understands the same.
The only remaining faint contact at this stage - with others that is - is my presence on facebook, and just one other ning site iGaia. I now wished I would still have my own ning site, but it is gone. It became a payable platform so it was taken off line anyway. But those contacts are the only ones for me.
I love to write so I have these blogs (footer), and for the rest life will attract to me the next step. I know I am a leader, a self-manager so to speak. So at one time, there will be others that will come to me. You see, if you are born with a leader energy, the universe MUST respond to that request, and other people will join the movement. That is the reason why the focus lies on the harmony of self, instead of first wanting to have the others to lead. First making myself the right vessel for the sovereign master integral.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quantum Path

'It is not in what you say, it is in what you do'. A sacred sentence written within a space of silence.

Doing is not the act of going to work, or organizing that next seminar.
This 'doing' involves a deeper, quantum level of existence. It is the act of cleaning the cup for a friend, it is the act of letting things fall on the ground, by 'accident'. It is the act of giving a cup of coffee to that person, or - for one fraction - sharing a special glance with a child. It is mysterious, yet you get the sense of 'hey, what is this ?'
Those acts are unspoiled by pre-determined second thoughts, by a certain intention than the PURE unconditional. You move into a space of thoughtlessness, you walk into a quantum field of no-thought, yet profoundly aware of your matter-being.

The action of the true taichi, without the chuan. Moving the hand to open a door for someone, without thinking and precisely at the moment that someone is there to accept the gesture. The movement was loaded with quantum effect.
Quantum moving, cleaning the cupboard for yourself of another, actually moves a field that is hidden behind the sensic understanding of this world. Every breath counts, every natural movement moves a star, creates a cosmos or redesigns matter in a given reality.
This is not about thought, it is about the selfless doing of the little things done in a natural fashion, no predetermination.
Walking the quantum path.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Proverb~Your thoughts become your beliefs, but more astounding is that quantum physics says that your thoughts are energy and that they entangle the thoughts of others around you. So your beliefs change the reality not only within you, but around you. By being one in Abundance, Beauty, Creativity, Love and Kindness, then being Receptive to the Expanding entanglement, you create what you seek within. ~Unknown

Proverb~To enter into the initiation of sound, of vibration and mindfulness, is to take a giant step toward consciously knowing the soul. There are hundreds of accurate models for this great journey inward. Each requires belief and discipline as well as the will to allow the inner and outer worlds to relate. Listening, learning, study, and practice are important tools. But we need the courage to enter into ourselves with the great respect and mystery that combines the faith of a child, the abandon of a mystic, and the true wisdom of an old shaman.~Exeprts from TAO TE CHING by LAO TZU.

Proverb~The more one experiences, the less he finds that he knows. The sage wander without knowing, looks without seeing, accomplishes without acting.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Power of Forgiveness

There is a cosmic power that helps de-activate charged polarized emotions. In other words, there is a way of being that will heal, restore and silence emotions that bring out of balance : forgiveness.
Emotions of the lesser kind, or what is perceived as lesser kind, are put upon humanity. Those emotions are strong emotions of worry, sadness, guilt, and destructive anger (not the same as discontent with the outcome of a situation that needs for change).
Now you can choose not to take in the strong negative emotions. You can CHOOSE not to be unhappy, you can CHOOSE to find the gift in any situation. All situations have been created for a reason, by YOU. There is ALWAYS a diamond stored within the mud that is thrown at you.
Some practical suggestions when you get pushed by the external forces of negative emotions :
- silence down, do not react immediately
- observe what is happening within your own system
- FIND the gift
- Know that the situation is a catalyst for a change that YOU desire
- Let go of the insane sense or responsibility that you take on FOR THE OTHER, it is not respectful to take responsibility for another human. They have their own rights, stay away from that attitude.
- Look at what it brings to you, it is created by you, so this is something that you wished !
- Be honest with yourself
- There is nothing that you cannot handle yourself
- Tackle the problem by focusing on what it frees up for you : a new life, a new chance, freedom, letting go of something that appears in your life which does not serve you ?
- Take action WITH self-respect and respect for the other's choice
- Create a new situation based on the wisdom of the old situation
- The emotions are breaking out because something needs change, honor them
- Respect yourself and GROW, EXPAND and LOVE the change
- Understand you are outgrowing something, release the shackles. Appreciate yourself in that.
- LOVE is always on your side, lighten up, smile and change your focus
The cosmic power that helps transcend any negatively oriented emotion is forgiveness. Forgive yourself, and forgive the other. Feel that power, feel what it does to you. You will transform negative emotions with the forgiveness, it is a frequency that neutralizes and brings an opportunity that we call 'breath'.
Humans are in a phase of transcending into a new era, leaving behind the old that has lasted for thousands of lifetimes. We are becoming beings that touch the source codes of life themselves, we ARE love. As such, the new human is in the phase of letting go of the cage, and is growing in remembering what has always been : creation from the place of heart, not the sadly emotional heart, the empowered heart of the cosmos.
My sharing is yours, your sharing is mine.
With strength, respect and wisdom.
And loads of humor, joy and laughter too.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Empathic ? Dealing with it

If you start to discover empathic capacities, meaning that you are able to feel the other as you do yourself, there are a few things that you need to remember to fully grasp that quality.
Empathic people are usually naturally so. Many times they are not really aware of their capacity to feel the other, taking over the quality of the other. It goes very far, empathic people will naturally start to resonate with whom they are, and if he/she is a lot with a certain person, a good friend, or a partner, the empath will take over certain characteristics of the other, going from emotional qualities, the way they think and even physical qualities.
Depending on who has the dominant resonance, both will align to that stronger frequency. If the strength of resonance is about the same, both persons will start to energetically intermix and become a middle point of the two.
People that are capable of channeling an entity are by nature empaths, they allow the entity to temporarily take over the frequency of the channeler, and as such they usually act as tandem. Sometimes the entity is allowed to fully control the body and takes over for a while. It all depends on the agreement between the 2 souls. By way of clarification : nothing can take anyone over unless - at some level - it is allowed. This is for the ones that would be afraid of an energetic take-over : it CANNOT happen without your consent. Know then at all times, what you are agreeing to allow. That is, by the way, a golden rule for everything.
It is important to note that if you are 'linked' to another person that chooses to carry some attributes that you would prefer not to have, you still will be taking over those attributes, because of your choice to remain - thus energetically linked - with that person. Usually that choice is made by 'social obedience' rather than by freely wanting to be together. Such is the nature of the set-up of the social world, it does not allow you easily and in free-choice to move swiftly from person to another person... you should remain 'friends' or 'partners' forever. You then also remain energetically linked to what you sometimes already have learned and can let go. So, the responsibility and choice always comes back to you.
If you like to take charge of your life, more independently, you will need to find friends that have the behaviour that reflects what you look for. If you then select to stick with people that have another 'learning curve', you might feel trapped in your development. Much of what people do has to do with the unawareness of their empathic capacities, and the influence on their life.
This blog is about sharpening your sense of choice, opening up to the invisible influences, hidden controls and showing the absolute capacity to take charge of your own life. Look sharply with whom you are connected, family or friends alike, or even persons that live in your close neighborhood. What they represent - and energetically carry - will affect you more than you know. It is up to you to see what you will do with this.
Again, everything will depend on your capacity of acting on your highest will, and not on the will of others. Emotional ties will try to stop you from being you. However, the true love is the one that is silent, behind the emotional heart, and has no problem with the sense of what is called 'separation', because IN THE SILENT HEART, true love knows that we are ONE. In the silent heart another type of love will be discovered which has a greater, expanded effect than the emotional heart which will want the oppositive : restriction to a specific other.
The silent heart will embrace greater 'lands; and make you care beyond the family and friends, and show that your heart is absolutely in LOVE with all of humanity, nature and much more. For you to discover.
With that HEART, staying together for the sake of 'friendship' or 'family' etc, is not an issue. Everything is always ONE in the true, silent heart. Emotions and thoughts will try to slow down an awakening persons, making him/her believe in separation of each other. Nothing is further from the truth, but that is up to the awakening empath to find out.
How will you find the ones that energetically belong to your resonant family. First by choosing change, then by allowing what does not belong to you to drift away, in respect for their quality, and then to allow the new energy to come to you as you open yourself up to anything that comes your way.
It is the most important thing, to see with whom - and what - you are connected. Again, the influence is invisible, yet the outcome highly influential. May your Silent heart of truth be heard. EARTH and humanity is in expectation of your silent, yet powerful voice, metaphorically speaking. It will have a quantum effect, as you allow the greater LOVE to pour through you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sleeping - a non-natural state of being

Humans are designed to sleep hours per day. During those hours, the time-machine appears to continue to tick, and one awakens a few hours later, believing that the resting period was good, also believing that time passed, which is not the case, there is no time.
I believe much thought manipulation happens during the hours of sleep, and that the unconscious sleep is a non-natural state for the beings that we are.
As much as disease is not a true part of us, sleep is not a true part of us. It is all embedded in the thought culture of this plane, however I believe it not to be part of truth.
I do still sleep as well, and when I am with people that sleep a lot, I tend to imitate, however I feel from the inside that sleep is often a disguise for not being here and now, just a way to be away from what truly is not of our liking. As long as life is not changed into a dynamic chain of only joyful actions and activities, sleeping is deployed as a deceptive way to get away from living a fulfilled life.
It is not very easy to put these words down, it contradicts the overall human thinking, but that is exactly the reason for the output. It only is an invitation to ponder about it.
As I start to see the 'dark' lifeless patterning of sleeping to get away from life, I am here to express that. Sleeping is - by the way - not the conscious interactive and inneractive state of connection to life within. The type of sleeping I am talking about is allowing unconsciousness to overflow you and recreate your patterning into unconsciousness, the standard thinking of the fearing humans. It is a way for controlling the minds of people and reorganizing the consciousness into the layers of fear, lack, control, and smallness. Sleeping into unconsciousness is not an act of expansion into consciousness.
How to get about it then ? I can only offer how I found a way to go about it : when sleeping in, remaining confident and locked into the highest consciousness, allowing the eyes to close, but keeping the spirit open, wide awake, allowing the body to rest, but exercising a type of meditational sleep, where the mind remains awake.
Also, for the persons liking to sleep a lot, I would invite those to check if they really want to be here, and if their life is fulfilling 'in brutal honesty'. People that love life, do not need much sleep at all ! So, let's get to the core of honesty, but be aware that no-one can force you, if you do not want. Once you are aware that this is the standard invitation, to get to sleep in a deceptive unconsciousness, you can change your attitude towards it. Up to you.
Everyone needs to find his/her own way. I share the awareness of the 'unconscious sleep' to be part of deception of the human lower mind. Be aware that during the sleeping times the mind control continues it work, until you say 'no more, no more am I part of this deception'. Make your own research on this, as a healthy critic, do not accept all this, just check it out for yourself, and foremost check within yourself.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thought Control

So much is written about thought control and how humanity is 'under the grip' of it. Maybe yes, however there is no power on earth that can make you do things you do not want to, unless you agree with them.

It is true that I have heard many say they want to do things, but the 'others' might not agree, so they do not... that is a choice.

The main point of this blog is 'IT IS A CHOICE', to be obedient to others or yourself. It is so simple, do what you feel, want, act upon that... regardless of the others... YOU are living your life.

And yes, some frequencies are controlling your actions, and they are perceived as strong, coming from controlling organizations on earth, and beyond...yes, we read the stuff that is written everywhere, 'awakening from it', we are consciousness, awareness... In main stream information, those lower frequencies are getting explained as thought-emotions like fear, anger, resistance, fight, worry, sadness. That too is a choice : your house burns down : you can choose to see it as a renewed freedom, or as a huge loss... the one gives new potentials and a sense of breath, the other gives loads of worry and despair. IT IS THE SAME EVENT NONETHELESS, you choose your reaction to things, ALWAYS.

Thought control does exist at a certain level, and yes, it has a kind of power, but it does not have to control you, that is not possible, unless again, you allow it. I find one of the best aids to help out of the lower frequency thinking is to just STOP IT, immediately and divert myself to expansion, loving attitude, looking at beauty, and then allowing INSPIRATION - from within - to lead my life... and not the outer frequencies, grim outlooks and organizations. It is not yours... thoughts never are... we are LOVE, that is the true essence of the HUMAN....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Family ties are not what they seem to be, they are reflections of ourselves, that when released come back home into ourselves, but then 'whole'....
The family as such is not real, it is a reflection of a frequency... a control frequency that has been chosen at a certain level, but the Avatar is a 'oneness' being, without external familiy... the family is gathered inside as oneness.
Leaving the family is leaving separation, and being the oneness includes them inside. Family bonds are the most difficult to get home again, they have the greatest (together with the partner bond) magnetic force of 'polarity' which keeps separation into place.
Leaving them, is becoming the Avatar Force... the one force including everything and becoming TOTALITY.
Situations are set up in a way that allows and brings forth the right 'reasons' for change... the more you indeed respond to your own inner nudge, the more the Avatar is birthing. It is a celebration time for YOU, the AVATAR is getting WINGS. THE GREAT BUTTERFLY coming about.
AVATARS cannot have biological ties, the true ties are spiritual, invisible.... until the AVATAR becomes totality... and then the true family appears....You are coming home....

Monday, October 18, 2010

FRESH EYES - practical magic

I am sitting in this amazing house, with paintings, that carry much of judgment, in the frequential layers, in the geometry...
I started to see that when I am near them, I start to judge... so I stopped and watched, felt the fear and anger from the painter....
And chose another reaction, inspiring to do 'different'.... so I got into 'stilling the judgment' and accepting the painter's BEINGNESS, his message, behind the mask of FEAR and so-called broken heart ...
And it was a LOVE frequency... that inspired him/her. And now, the paintings are smiling at me, instead of shouting....
FRESH EYES attitude... and the world changes again...NEXT frequency please.... and celebration with smiles ! Empowering... truly !

Inspiring yourself

Inspiring change... From a sense of joy, instead of fear. Doing things anyway, even if they are a bit 'dangerous', but you have always wanted to do them.
Learn to say NO to what you do not want, learn to be balanced and strong from the inside.

Learn to see the others as a part of you, but not depending on you, nor you depending on them.
Learn to be sovereign, be who you are, simply.

Get some inner clarity about yourself and stop complaining, just act on your inner wishes.
Just allow yourself to move again, move again, move again... unstuck yourself. Feel your inner desires and imagine them in your life, get them in your life.
Do that one-time bungee jump, fly that helicopter, act on your impulses and join the groups in which you feel all right and really joyful.

Empower yourself, inspire yourself, breath again, love yourself and act, physically, verbally, joyfully and stable. Let go of what does not serve, let go of teachings of others if they are taking away your power, let go, let go, let go....Stay away from any judgments as well, it is never about THEM at all, it is about YOU... go, go, go !

Walk away from places and situations you do not like...yes, inspire yourself, get involved with yourself, shine and brighten your own path.... you are in charge.... inspire, inspire.... YES.

It all depends on YOUR EYES

You are ultimately always choosing the reaction to things.
There is rain ... how do you perceive and react ?
There is some argument .... how do you perceive ?
There are locks and keys... how do you react ?
There are old and young people, there is judgment about things.... do you judge as well ?
How do you react in life ... is it an amazing place, or a dreadful place ?
How do you see people... are they all right, nice, full of passion, or... surviving...
It all depends on YOUR EYES. Your perception determines the energy and the flow...
Is life difficult, or does it represent a challenge, something to make better in the sense that YOU act differently.
Are you alive and looking around, from YOUR center, and see how you ARE ?
It all depends on YOUR EYES... Take ownership, and life becomes what YOU choose of it... YOUR choice, only ours to make... Isn't that amazing, that YOU have that capacity, that WEALTH, that power...
TIME for FRESH EYES, new eyes, innovation, celebration and that deep sense of YES, I AM.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


On this earth every thing and every living being has an energetic signature. This energetic signature has the potential to bond with you, that is the nature of energy : it bonds.

It is up to you, when you know about the bond that it represents, to choose if you want to be bonded by that type of energy.

Some bonds will uplift you and raise your own frequency, some bonds will definitely lower your state of being, make you feel less good. Most people will not dare to disengage from the bonds that feel less good out of obligation. It can take lifetimes before they actually choose for letting go and allowing themselves to rise to their own natural frequency.

A bonding can also be with substances, houses, possessions, besides people... and those bonds have an effect on you. It is wise to understand how things and people make you feel, so you can choose again, instead of having to suffer something you do not desire anymore. Everything has an effect on you, until you release its grip. It might mean that you disengage with certain bonds.

If you like to raise yourself into awareness, truth, you will benefit highly from sources that provide you awareness, and allow yourself to shift away from the sources that lower your frequency of joy, love, abundance, inspiration etc.

There might come a time that you even let go of all connections and work mainly from the inner master, instead of any outside voice. Then, you get into your source of truth, which is ultimately the one to follow : yourself.

Be aware that in this world, everything asks of you to bond... The bonding is usually done without any conscious free will, it just takes you without asking. Those are soft iron magnetic forces that humanity usually is not aware of. You might be sucked into a shop because of a certain magnetic set-up that wants you to buy, where actually you do not choose to have items from that shop. This might be very recognizable...

The art of neutrality will help to overcome the duality obstacles and judgments, and provide inner insights that are deep and outdone of polarity. Learning not to need, learning to use, learning to choose consciously...

Also learning to detach, and become a free being again.

Freedom & Breath

Something happens when one stops 'wanting' things and lets the world enfold itself like it does, just allowing what it is showing...
There is a stillness moment of breath, a feeling of 'it is all right, it is okay' and tension is allowed to leave....And it does, it does that, like a cloud that continues in the sky, not contained, not controlled or wanted.
There is only gentle breath and stillness, silence maybe and some opening from within, aaaaahhh, it feels so good.
As tensions go, a natural inflow of something that could not approach before is slowly entering one's consciousness, like a lost part that returns home, and one feels more and more complete in this natural state of freedom and breath.
Things suddenly look and feel different, totality expressed, inspiration flowing, a natural movement, not to be understood, it is fine. Things that are part of you, are now allowed to be with you and IN you again.
Breathing fresh air, looking with fresh eyes, something has changed.

I am Creation

Creating from allowance or creating from desire/need.
The first one is always a surprise, an amazement, an gratefulness. It is I AM, simply who I AM. Breathing and releasing, without wanting to understand 'why'.
The second one is linked to an object/person of desire, from thought, a wish, a tension. It wants more of something, or demands control and organization from known concepts. It wants to know the beginning, middle and end.
The first one comes to you in a natural flow, because it chooses so and belongs to you naturally.
The second one is unfree, wants, does not release, and ultimately does not satisfy ever.
So how does one stand in life : by allowance or by greed ?
Do I want money ? Do I want friends ? Do I want anything, food, a house, sex, power ? Or am I living here/now knowing that everything is already there.... There is quite a different feel to both attitudes.
I AM Creation is surrender to LIFE, stillness, knowing and being, fearless, strong and yet allowing. It generates inspiration, draws in newness, invention, the unknown. It is music to all senses, a delight. Can you feel it now ? It is here...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The silent heart

Humans seem to possess 2 hearts : an emotional heart and a silent heart. It looks like a double heart where the still one is below the emotional one.
The still one is made from beyond this world and cannot be seen, invisible, yet very active and alive. It is ONE in essence with all-that-is, and is free from thought.
It just is, and can only be felt. It is the answer behind the magic of our world, and shapes this world but with different attributes than the Emotional heart, because it is a heart of allowance.It builds everything YOU need because IT knows what you need, which is very different from the emotional 'knowing', your human 'thought of what you need' which is a huge restricted box of choice....
The emotional heart has electrical/energetic wires of many colors, that move and change the whole time, interconnecting themselves with other emotional hearts, or events, or thoughts, or organizations. It is never really happy and wants, desires, needs and craves.
Neverending its search for things it cannot find. It forgot that it searches its double invisible entity : the silent heart, and looks through the world but cannot find it... until it becomes still as well....
Magic happens when those hearts synchronise....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Interconnectedness of our hearts

We are already interconnected with our hearts, we are already beating within eachothers rythm. That is already happening. Accepting this fact knowing that it will change your perception of 'the others' will change the dynamic of the life's choices. Anyway, that is what I experience.
I say 'I am that I am, just me, nothing more, nothing less, but it is quite something... for me'... I love that phrase.
However I now understand that when I acknowledge my heart to be beating in yours, I understand how my love for me, has an effect on your love for you, or even my love for you and your love for me.

As I love, you love, because we share the heart beat, whomever you are... that is the nature of our heart on earth...maybe that is the reason why those words are so similar : heart and earth....

With beating love,
from my chest to yours,
everlastingly and in deep appreciation !


Becoming an embodied quantum energy

In the search of your inner sovereign self lies a way of liberation. It is in knowing your true essence that your personality can get aligned with that inner essence, and as such can work as a team to get direct inspiration, motivation, and joy into activating your own initiatives. Such a bliss to stop fighting oneself and start the coherent unison song of creation.
As a direct result, by the law of attraction, the unified being that you become, will find others that resonate in the same frequency. It is interesting to find the people you are attracted to for tender and genuine sharing, create coherence, joyful activities, and communicate in the same vibration. What a liberation of loneliness to step this road and find your friends, brothers and sisters.
As you have unified the polarities within you that creates a beingness that demands nothing from any other, you will be able to forge true and lasting friendships that are equally supporting, free, and undemanding. This is the outcome of all the work you have done to understand yourself and to allow the quantum to unite with you again, working as a great team of amazing ONENESS for the sake of expanded experiences of joy, resonance, friendship, freedom, and so much more.
You have become an expansive person, an embodied quantum energy within the human instrument.

The intent of the site is to offer you a portal for providing clarity to indigo children, parents, adults and elders in the broadest sense possible.
Through understanding and this personal clarity one might find a way to expand oneself as to stimulate the quality of life, to be able to express the dormant qualities, to become a beacon for others if they so ask for it.
There will be a change in the perception of your life, enabling the unlocking of your true qualities, and understanding the reasons for your inability to activate them, over the boundaries of what you thought was possible. The results will be astonishing, that is guaranteed. You will be invited to discover your hidden potentials and open your own door, enhancing your own life, and understanding the purpose of being here.
Points of attention
- From fear to fearless
- Resistance to change and how to overcome that
- Understanding energetic influences and their impact
- Balance, harmony, zen
- Open the intuitive channels
- Understanding what your body is made from
- Deep insights, beyond mental comprehension
- The laws of resonance
- Indigo versus non-indigo
- The psychological attributes of an indigo : pros and cons
- Development of the right job opportunities based on inner qualities
- Children, how they function truly
- From error to pure creative endeavours
- Forging YOUR own life based on who you are, professionaly, personally, socially
- Coaching can be done in English, French and Dutch
- Surprise yourself and have real joy in your life
- How to get that diamond spark of true love and joy back in your eyes
- Participate in energetic Qi Gong, martial arts, singing, music sessions and painting
- Meet your fellow indigo resonant family

You might also discover that you change something in your life by just reading some of the material, without any verbal interaction. You will know things without really understanding how it is possible.
You can only 'win' a different, expanding and amazing life. Heart-opening.

Some attributes of the indigo

  • Self-worth is generally not a big issue
  • Any authority needs to be respectful and open
  • They are highly intelligent and intuitive and not often express that in the normal ways
  • Creative and enjoy inventing things
  • They need to understand and always ask why
  • Some experience difficulties with control and repetition, resisting authority, sometimes not expressed
  • Social systems considered ‘inadequate’ are big trouble for them
  • Highly energized, they feel anger as well as fear, and sometimes have trouble to keep the balance
  • They like to help making this world a better place
  • They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially
  • When in balance and harmony, they are soft and gentle people. When they are not they will shout more than anyone else, or totally turn inward to hide from other people
  • They understand and feel without others having to speak
  • They open up when the other is soft and gentle
  • They tend to experience the world as a difficult place to be
  • Ask the questions ‘who am I’ and ‘why am I here’
  • Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone
  • Deeply empathic with others but often intolerant of stupidity
  • May choose for full shielding (no emotional expression) or no shield (no emotional defenses)
  • Spiritual interest from a very young age, intuitive understanding of the invisible world and the interconnectedness of the human species
  • Strong intuition and psychic abilities
  • Have a fast mind, hyperfocus abilities and often do not need much to understand
  • Highly energized they influence electrical appliances and feel the impact of those appliances
  • There often is a sexual interest, sometimes expressed in alternative types of sexuality, or suppressed
  • Seek meaning in life and understanding about the world, through phases of religious or spiritual activities, groups, books, experimental
  • Passionate about life and themselves, seeking continuous expansion

Please feel invited to comment on the above.
In appreciation.

What is an indigo - interactive post

Just sharing with you some of my own perceptions of what an indigo is. This is of course to be updated with your own experience, if you like to share that. Just for fun and for ease of understanding... for the sake of expandin ourselves with joy and ease, love and grace.
Indigo children and adults are very loving and soft people. They have an expressive flow for love and life which is usually too charged for non-indigo people.
At first they do not understand why others are so nasty with each other, and then, out of defense, they usually reply back in ways that are considered inappropriate, aggressive, loud or emotional.
The first years of an indigo are usually all right. They tend to play on their own, or silently, just witnessing the outside, they are lovely and kind little children.
Problems start when they are forced to interact with other children, and they feel alienated from their own inner source when they are repeatedly taken away from their inner activities.
They love to day dream and have great fantasy. They build worlds within worlds, and are very happy when they can do that whenever they want.
Young indigo teenagers experience much discordance in their world, parents, school, authority and their highly energized minds are usually ahead of understanding why and how things happen. Usually they find the other non-indigos not able to keep up with their speed of thought.
This usually worsens when they grow up, and most of the indigos feel alone, and choose then to compromise themselves, by slowing down their own natural flow and trying to harmonize with others. This compromising makes them feel unhappy in the way that they ‘know’ they are not truthful to themselves.
They have a high inner ethic, understand respect and honor, and are – when balanced and harmonized – very capable of handling most difficult situations, where most people will fail, they will stand.

Indigo children and adults of all ages will calm down their inner rage with following attitudes :

  • Unconditional love, and forgiveness for their experiments
  • Softness towards them, whatever they say or express
  • Honesty of communication
  • Humor and genuine emotional and mental balance
  • A safe and sacred space that allows them to be truly themselves, whatever they express
  • True friendship and compassion
  • A high moral of respect and honor, and the understanding that they bring great wisdom

Friday, October 1, 2010

Quantum Earth

Have you noticed how easily different worlds intermix with your own dominant reality ? That the movie that you just watched, reflects a part of your own story, that the actors are even talking your talk.
Have you noticed how closely you are already connected to what is around you. The circumstances of the house you live in, the noise in the garden of the neighbour, the sun that shines at a certain time on your paperwork...
Have you noticed how appropriate other people reflect your own needs, say the things that you need to hear, or even give you exactly what you wanted the day before and now are happy to receive ?
Did you see how accurate your own local universe already reflects your needs, sometimes hidden needs, your fears maybe, choices and dreams ?
Maybe it is time to stop a bit and look around, without judgment, and see where you are, how that feels, and how you like it already. Maybe it is time to add more of joy and love to the existing equation, more of happiness, expression and enthusiasm. Or silence, harmony and softness.
What about being joyful already, and looking out for more of it ?
Welcome to the Quantum Earth, the existence that has it all and offers more of it. It is there now, free for everyone to grasp it, and create with it. Inspiration to flow....

Bashar- Accelerate Your Self

Bashar about the right attitude for gaining flow and coherence...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

YOUR Life is YOUR dream

What we experience as LIFE is what we choose to experience. It is very simple. Say you wish to experience what it is to be an angel on earth, then that desire will transpire in every breath that you take and will generate the settings of that wish. You will create the appearance of anything that serves that wish and will even create 'others' to support you or trigger you.
The wish is not coming from your personality, that is a secondary wavelength. The Pilot Wave Frequency comes from what we call Higher Self. It is the wish of Higher Self to explore and experience, and thus to steer its bio-energetic projection into feeling, seeing, smelling, touching etc that experience. If it 'wills' you to experience fear, it will generate all the circumstances for that fear.
If your higher self 'wills' you to experience a military setting, it will generate a bio-energetic projection that thinks it loves the military, and explores that world of frequency.
Although awakening from this 'dream' is yet another step. The higher self might choose to have an amazing awakening experience, by putting out the setting of the right people, the right 'stage' for an awakening to occur. It then desires to push forward the manifested reality into a new level, where the bio-energetic imprint is experiencing the illusion of being a magician in the world of matter, someone who 'knows' more than others and can more easily reshape the clouds in the sky.
In this 'time', it seems there are crosslines of realities, where the bio-energetic imprint has the sense of choice, that will heavily influence the reality it lives in. It knows then that 'how it thinks' will shape the setting of its experience. All thoughts that seep through the bio-energetic imprint are the foundation of the reality-dream.
The bio-energetic imprint becomes the beacon of the soul, that steers its creation into its desired outcome. It will work with the bio-energetic imprint as one, and shine through its holographic skin to show its essence. The belief systems that you hold are the shapers of your reality, without it you do not appear in this dream-reality. Change your belief on things, make it easy or make it difficult, make it exciting or boring, make it stuck or make it flowing, it is all up to you.
What you dream is you, and when you want to change it, it will, based on your WILL, your desire. When you know yourself, you have a better understanding 'why' you are in this particular life, with these particular 'people' and the particular settings.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

THAT Frequency of Love

This blog is dedicated to YOU. It is in honor and respect for your outpoor, for your connection to the frequency of LOVE that you are. Can you feel your own inner smile when just reading these words ?
That frequency of love, the one to tune into, to make music with, to forge words with.
That frequency of love, the one that transcends all pains and worries, and heals whatever condition.
THAT frequency that is your home. Can you feel the truth of these words, as you switch your inner radio to THAT, what you know is total bliss.
THAT frequency is the one that stimulates, that regulates, that emanates EVERYTHING that you are : the outpoor of pure gold, the outpoor of wisdom, the outpoor of creation and inspiration. Tuning your inner radio to THAT frequency, and you are home.
Oh, did I mention that you are also total, alive, precious, tender, strong, balanced, harmonized and absolutely loved.
To all senders/emitters, tune into THAT frequency and lets talk with the radio called heart... Let's talk 'heart'.